Friday, April 7, 2017

Cuban Missile Crisis

From the Academy Award winning documentrary "Fog of War": Below is a PBS documentary that focuses on Soviet submarines.

Korea in the Cold War

This "newsreel" style clip is clearly a product of its time. Pay close attention to how Communism and its adherents are characterized. The UN and the Korean War are the focus. The noted "Fire and Ice" documentary:

Origins of the Cold War

Make sure to view this well done documentary with your "Cold War" study terms at hand.

World War II Documentaries

Below are four short clips of documentaries relating to: The Third Riech's invasion of Poland 1939. The siege of Stalingrad. The battle for Leningrad. View these clips with your study terms handy.

On the other side of the conflict--the noted "Fog of War" documentary looks at the firebombing of Tokyo in March of 1945. A film from the War Department entitled "The Last Bomb".

Italian Fascism

This series of Discovery Channel documentary clips provides an interesting perspective on the power Benito Mussolini grabbed in 1922 and '23.

Brief Documentary Clips on WWI

These "WatchMojo" brief clips give an overview of the major events the war.

Great War Images and Legacies

Because no significant part of the German nation was lost (or indeed even invaded) and no shot was fired in anger on German soil, many Germans felt that there was still a great deal of "fight" left in the German military and German people. Many (Adolf Hitler included) felt like the military had been "stabbed in the back" by a civilian government (the Weimar Republic that replaced the imperial regime of Kaiser Wilhelm II) that was secretly controlled by a Jewish cabal of profiteers.

Because of the remarkable levels of destruction--and the senselessness, the uselessness of that destruction, that loss--many lost faith in progress, democracy, and traditional sources of authority.

Because such large numbers of men went off to serve in the period's "Citizen" armies, there was a huge demand for new sources of labor as the industrial West geared up for "total war." One such source was middle-class women, many of whom were married. The photograph above is from France, but women flocked to factories in all the industrialized countries, including the Untied States.

Because of the advances of the Industrial Age, World War I was the first widespread governmental use of "scientific" (and racialized) propaganda.

The Treaty of Versailles, much of which was based on the ideas of retribution and revenge, provided a focal point around which Germans of all political stripes could unite. Wilson is the central figure below. The other two are Georges Clemenceau of France and David Lloyd George of Great Britain.

>As we will see in the next section, the Russian Revolution(s) of 1917 were one of the most important and long lasting of the legacies of the First World War.